Melbourne Square is located in the heart of the heavily-populated Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville metro area and enjoys a large trade area that serves most of Brevard County. Theres a whole new look at Melbourne Square and that means lots of new choices. With the completion of our multi-million dollar renovation, youll find new amenities throughout the mall. New porcelain tile floors, carpeted seating areas, redesigned center court and food court, decorative lighting, lush landscaping and so much more. Melbourne Square now boasts a custom-designed childrens play area, the first of its kind in Brevard County. The KidgitsPlay Areaencompasses nearly 1,500 square feet of mall concourse near Dillards South and incorporates artistic play elements,adult seating and even a baby changing station. The new Melbourne Square is your one stop shopping destination. Melbourne Square is anchored by department store favorites – Macy’s, Dillard’s North and South,JCPenney and Dick’s Sporting Goods. Recent additions include Coach, Express, Crazy 8, francesca’s, Red Ginger Asian Cuisineand TooJay’s Gourment Deli which features a New York-style deli dining experience. With more than 125 additional specialty stores, Melbourne Square offers something for everyone. When it comes to new, there’s nothing newer than what you’ll find at Melbourne Square, a SimonTM mall. To find out more about stores, the Simon Giftcard and other helpfulinformation, call the Shopping Line: 321.727.2000. Shop Smarter. At Simon Malls.
Monday to Saturday:10am - 9pm, Sunday:12pm - 6pm